The Lord of The Rings opens up with the Shire preparing for the most remarkable of parties. New wonders arrived each day for the September celebration. There were fireworks. There were cart loads of party decorations and favors. And there were toys for the children, some that had been made in distant lands and were obviously magical.
Sally’s daughter, Raquel, is getting married Labor Day weekend. Since Raqui lives in Baltimore, my office is the delivery spot for everything she has ordered for the upcoming event. One day it is a huge box, the next it is a couple of satchels. Today I got an envelope for her from China. Thank G-d I’m invited. I’m dying to see what’s in the packages.
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I am totally unprepared for today. I have had June 25th scheduled for three weeks. I was to be in Medina, at Fox Meadow Country Club, playing golf with one of my clients. Rick and I have talked about playing for years. A few weeks ago I called and invited him to play at Tanglewood or Boulder Creek. He belongs to Fox Meadow and asked if I’d ever been there. I hadn’t. We had a 10:20 tee time. Have you looked out the window? The last I heard, the club is closed due to the heavy rains.
So I’m here. The crush of the Open Enrollment, annual Senior Enrollment, and usual end of the year stuff is way behind me. It is too early to start on the 2015 season. And, I was prepared to be off. So, I’m here. Not working and not having a lot to do is totally foreign to me. Blowing out of here and heading to the art museum might be advisable, but I’m not sure I can really do it.
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The client didn’t want to talk about premiums, or claims, or even policies. No, she called today to talk about coffee cups. Mine in particular. Of course, how often do you see a three legged mug? Mine was picked out for me by Claudia of the Zeber-Martell Clay Studios. I saw the new glaze and style and asked her to send one to me. The client wanted one for her daughter. I bet she’ll buy a lot more than one once she visits the gallery.
Heavy summer showers and three legged mugs and boxes and bags filled with who knows what are what filled my unplanned day.