Fruit Crisp


Before we get into a run of serious posts, let’s stop for a moment and make dessert. This blog has included recipes for pumpkin pie, chicken dishes, and even mashed cauliflower. All of these dishes are designed to be low carb and Kosher. Today’s is no exception. I adapted this recipe for Passover a few years ago and changed it further when I made it yesterday. Feel free to adapt it your tastes and needs.

Fruit Crisp

4           Pears, unpeeled and diced (use a couple of types)
1 C        Frozen blueberries
½ C       Red Raspberries
1 t        Cinnamon
¼ t       Nutmeg
¼ t       Ginger
¼ C       Diet V-8 Berry Splash (substituted for apple juice)


½ C      Almond meal
2 T       Potato starch
½ t      Cinnamon
2          Splenda packets
1 t       Diet V-8 Berry Splash
1 t       Vegetable Oil

Preheat oven to 350. Mix the fruit and spices in a large bowl. Place into an 8×8 baking dish and sprinkle the V-8 Splash on top of the mixture. Mix topping in a small bowl and arrange over the fruit. Bake for 35 minutes till lightly browned. Refrigerate if you don’t eat all of it in one sitting. 

The election is tomorrow. Enjoy something good and good for you while you watch the results.