
My last name is not difficult to pronounce, if your elementary school taught phonetics and you were paying attention.  If you know how to pronounce cucumber, you know how to pronounce Cunix.  I have, of course, had my name mangled by countless people.  Kids in school would tease me with variations of my last name.  Each of them would applaud themselves as if they had created a new insult.  It wasn’t.  The moron in seventh grade wasn’t even a tiny bit more creative than the jerk in second.  Some people have difficulty properly pronouncing Cunix the first time.  Once corrected, they never have a problem again.  Others will never pronounce my name correctly because they don’t care or they don’t respect me.  I’m not cowed by their ignorance.  In truth, a schmuck is just a schmuck.

Our current vice-president is Kamala Harris.  For many years she has been telling people her name is pronounced “comma-la, like the punctuation mark”.  There are people who mispronounce her name because it is uncommon.  That is understandable.  But you will hear people knock her name because it isn’t Jane or Mary.  And you will hear people mispronounce her name intentionally.  She will not be intimidated by this.  She heard these slurs on the playground in second grade.  Why would she be frazzled be a 78 year old second grader using the same slurs now?

We are about 100 days away from the election.  Don’t be distracted.  There are serious issues.  This blog as well as my other blog, Health Insurance Issues With Dave, will be detailing the way Project 2025, the Republican Study Committee, and legislation pending in both Columbus and Washington could impact our lives.   Ignore the juvenile insults.  Focus on the issues.

We’ve got work to do.


Picture – It’s A Race – David L Cunix