To my readers:
These blog posts tend to reflect my views on politics, religion, and, in general, life in suburban Ohio. My focus is on domestic politics and policies. I try to stay in my lane. And though I pay attention to world affairs and have opinions, I have shied away from international topics. There was even a post extolling the three magic words, “I Don’t Know”.
Silence is no longer an option. Each of us must find our voice and use whatever platform is at our disposal.
At the risk of sounding overly dramatic, I believe that we are witnessing an upheaval of the world order. Not only will the alliances created to provide relative stability post-World War II be shattered, but I also believe that the goal is to redraw all of the world’s maps. Renaming the Gulf of Mexico is nothing compared to renaming entire countries.
Let’s imagine a world, like in 1984, where there are three superpowers. We can use real names in this scenario – China, Russia, and the United States. We recently greenlighted the Russian conquest of Ukraine. There really will be no reason for the war to end at the Polish border. They are celebrating in China. We will not save Taiwan. We probably won’t save Japan.
And the U.S.? I fear that we are months away from the 2025 version of the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Sadly, this skirmish will take place in Lake Erie or Lake Michigan. We will use this event to attack Canada and no one can / will stop us. There is no real interest in making Canada the 51st State. It would have too many representatives in Congress. Canada would become a territory, as would Greenland, and every other country located between us and the Panama Canal.
There will be justifications for every one of these actions. You can almost hear Lyndsey Graham’ denunciation of the vicious Canadians. I can already feel Marco Rubio’s shock and silence.
Europe will need to invest all its money and weaponry to defend their core countries. The leaders in Paris, Berlin, and London will watch helplessly as the Baltic States are picked off one at a time. What will India do? What will happen to Australia or South America? I don’t know. In truth, I’m really more concerned about what is happening to us.
My father, the child of immigrants, enlisted in the U.S. Navy to defend his country. It was World War II. He and his peers were fighting for an America that did not always live up to its ideals. They would not recognize today’s United States.
Some of you were voting for cheaper eggs. Some of you imagine that we now have a “strong” leader. But Donald Trump’s strength is us, the military he refused to join, the public service he disdains. If we allow his greed and avarice to prevail, we will have sold our principles for nothing, our grocery baskets empty, the soul of our country gone.
Picture – A Good Place To Replant Our Values – David L Cunix