Safety Valve Girl

Theresa is a long-time Trump supporter.  I have known Theresa (name changed) for decades.  I wouldn’t have described her as a Republican in the 70’s, 80’s or even the 90’s.  But now, now she is not only a Republican but she also delights in pointing out the apostates who aren’t sufficiently Republican enough. They are RINO’s, Republican In Name Only.  Of course, for those of us who have been following politics for decades, the idea that fealty to Donald Trump is what makes someone a real Republican is both depressing and amusing.

I was talking with Theresa last week.  Somehow we started to talk about Project 2025 and how it could impact health care.  She was quick to note that Trump had disavowed any involvement with Project 2025 and the Heritage Foundation.  I laughed.  First, there are plenty of interviews showing the close connection between Trump and the authors of The Heritage Foundation’s Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise.  Secondly, and more importantly, no one really thinks that Trump spends any real time thinking about policy.  I reminded her that Trump had subcontracting out the selection of judges to the Federalist Society.  His focus is on the money.  Who will ignore the Emoluments Clause?  Who will ignore his Washington Hotel, his self-dealing, his graft?  He and his family got what they wanted while the Republican establishment got a big tax cut and judges, including three Supreme Court Justices.

Theresa still wanted to distance Trump from Project 2025.  I mentioned the 199 times the word “Abortion” appears in the document.  She reminded me that a member of her family was involved in a car ride to New York State in the mid-70’s to terminate an accidental pregnancy.  So wouldn’t this ban on abortion bother her?  “No David”, she said.  “I’m glad that it went back to the states”.  “What would have happened if this was the law in the 70’s” I asked.

“I’m Catholic” she replied.  “I’m against abortion.  And there will always be an option.”

Theresa is a safety valve girl.  She is happy to stand on principle.  She is fine taking away YOUR rights as long as she, her cousin, or even if G-d forbid her daughter needs reproductive care, they will have options.  She or they will be able to hop on a plane or take a long car ride to needed medical care.  Not just abortion, but the full spectrum of female reproductive care would be available to them.  Theresa is positive that the laws may change, but people like her will always have access.

Theresa may or may not be right.  Do you want to live in Theresa’s America?  I think we can do better.


Picture – The Only Real Safety Valve – David L Cunix